BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
freebsd_upgrade_stuffmake the freebsd-update run from within other scriptsPhilipp Wuensche4 months
masterFix superfluous asteriks in multiplicationDirk Engling9 years
RELEASE_3_4_2commit c520f88754...Dirk Engling9 years
RELEASE_1_1commit 6ca864f125...Gerd Eist11 years
RELEASE_1_2commit 4604263f7d...Gerd Eist11 years
RELEASE_1_3commit 681fd19990...Gerd Eist11 years
RELEASE_1_3_1commit f17039a851...Gerd Eist11 years
RELEASE_2_0commit a305599a9f...Gerd Eist11 years
RELEASE_2_0_1commit 1811275808...Gerd Eist11 years
RELEASE_2_1commit 6b2fe867d5...Gerd Eist11 years
RELEASE_1_0commit 709e87e5dc...Gerd Eist11 years
RELEASE_3_1commit 5ad647ec21...Gerd Eist11 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2013-04-20Rename ezjail_parentfs to ezjail_parentzfs. Also save the ezjail_parentzfs for new jails so that they can later be removed from the correct poolRELEASE_3_3erdgeist
2013-04-20Properly close quoteserdgeist
2013-04-20Check for parent filesystem when using an alternative oneerdgeist
2013-04-20Actually allow for the parentzfs parameter in getopterdgeist
2013-04-19Adding a license information file, due to recent circumstances :(erdgeist
2013-04-14Test for the IP address on local interfaces only, if it is not prefixed by an interface nameerdgeist
2013-04-14document the new jail(8) behaviour regarding the interface prefix on the ip addresserdgeist
2013-04-14If jail IPs are specified with an interface prefix, drop it for display and test functionserdgeist
2013-04-14Keep post_start_script jail parameters when rewriting configerdgeist
2013-04-11Farewell CVS for ports. ezjail_portscvsroot is gone.erdgeist
2013-04-10Do not attempt to chflags the root directory after it is gone, when wiping is requested on ezjail-admin delete. Thanks to Tom.erdgeist
2013-04-10Document the new ezjail-admin create -z feature. Also properly attribute the man page authors.erdgeist
2013-04-10Allow user to specify another parent zfs or zpool for a new jail. This also implies -c zfs. Thanks to Cryx.erdgeist
2013-04-01We now read and dump the jail_JAIL_parameters variable. So user settings dont get lost. Thanks to Vitaliy.erdgeist
2013-03-28Introduce _post_start_script.saite
2013-03-27Retry freebsd-update until install failserdgeist
2013-03-27Handle relative paths in packages bettererdgeist
2013-03-11man1 is unused nowerdgeist
2012-11-17Fixed a bug where ezjail-admin install would indicate a failure after successfully installing the baseerdgeist
2012-11-17Cleaned up the code that differentiates between pre 9.0 and post 9.0 distribution layout.erdgeist
2012-11-08Got the indent wrong in the last commit. So I missed a 'fi'erdgeist
2012-11-08Fix a bug where the host system's release version was not queried in case of file:/// uriserdgeist
2012-09-20Fixed a problem where reuse of the ezjail_sourcetree variable led to ezjail-admin update not finding source tree. Thanks to Paul Macdonald.RELEASE_3_2_3erdgeist