path: root/receiver.cpp
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-01-17Add v2 with GCM_IV_LENGTH of 96 bits == 12 bytes for performance and interop reasonsDirk Engling
2021-01-16std::hex changes cerr's state, so reset it after hex dumping error codesDirk Engling
2021-01-16Remove d_namelen which is a BSD extensionDirk Engling
2021-01-16unique_ptr needs <memory>Dirk Engling
2021-01-16Add destructor code for g_sessions in case of shutdownDirk Engling
2020-12-10Make receiver work on sub directoriesDirk Engling
2020-12-05Make iv history session localDirk Engling
2020-12-05Prevent IV reuse to protect agains replay attacksDirk Engling
2020-12-05Rework receiver as a c++ programmDirk Engling