title: Chaos Computer Club supports Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden
date: 2014-08-24 00:52:00 
updated: 2014-08-25 22:33:16 
author: 46halbe
tags: update, pressemitteilung, snowden

Since its founding more than thirty years ago, the Chaos Computer Club (CCC) holds strong beliefs in the freedom of information. Consequentially, freedom fighters and whistleblowers deserve our utmost respect and support. For this reason we will help the European legal team of Edward Snowden financially.

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Asylum, legal counsel and protection are costly. This is why we decided
to support Snowden's six European lawyers with 36.000 Euro to cover
their expenses. Earlier this year, the CCC general assembly also decided
to offer Edward Snowden the honorary membership, which he accepted
"The long lasting dedication of the CCC and others for citizen's rights
and against mass surveillance paved the road for a broad public debate
after Edward Snowden's revelations", said Snowden's German lawyer,
Wolfgang Kaleck. "Both the commitment as well as the support for Snowden
require perseverance. The financial support provided will help sustain
these efforts."\
Edward Snowden is the source of many leaks about the so-called
Intelligence Community and their hacking and surveillance operations,
which made news headlines all over the world. He ignited the necessary
global discussion by informing journalists about how much and how deeply
we are being spied on by the NSA and their partners, how they infiltrate
telecommunication and Internet service providers. One of our central
claims and part of our hacker ethics is: "Public data should be
utilized, private data should be protected." Edward Snowden had the guts
to live by our principles.\
Undoubtedly, Chelsea Manning's courageous actions also stand in line
with these values of ours. To express our support and respect, the CCC
bi-annual general assembly unanimously voted for offering her the
honorary membership. She agreed to accept our offer. Needless to say, it
is an outstanding honor for us to count Chelsea Manning as one of us!\
The former US private Chelsea Manning, stationed in Iraq in 2009 and
2010, was sentenced for violations of the Espionage Act and other
offences in August 2013. Allegedly, she transferred hundreds of
thousands of military and U.S. State Department documents and the
infamous "collateral murder" video to Wikileaks. Detained as a political
prisoner in 2010 under unduly harsh conditions without minimal standards
of humane treatment and stripped of her clothing in custody every night,
Manning is now serving a 35-year sentence for her courageous acts. \[1\]


\[1\] [Alexa O'Brien at the 30th Chaos Communication
(30c3) reporting on the secret trial of Chelsea Manning\
\[2\] [Edward Snowden Interview