title: Chaos Computer Club mourns the untimely demise of Andreas Pfitzmann
date: 2010-09-24 16:30:00 
updated: 2018-03-07 16:53:24 
author: admin
tags: update, pressemitteilung, nachruf

The sudden and unexpected death of Professor Andreas Pfitzmann on 23rd
September 2010 leaves a huge gap in the lives of all who knew him.
Through both his work and approach, Prof. Pfitzmann set measurably high
standards. He was one of a small group of computer scientists who always
clearly put forward his soundly based and independent opinion. In his
endeavours to foster cross-discipline interaction, he proved
instrumental in shaping both technical and political discourses on
anonymity and privacy issues in Germany – thus ensuring him a
well-deserved international reputation. He always managed to cross the
boundaries of his discipline and make the impact of technology
comprehensible. His contributions to research in this regard remain
eloquent and courageous, and his insistence on even voicing inconvenient
truths means he will remain a role model for us all.

In his passing we recognise and mourn the loss of an outstanding
scientist, unique in his stance as a defender of people’s basic rights
of anonymity and the administration of information pertaining to
themselves – both of which are basic prerequisites for a thriving
democracy. None of us will ever forget his rousing lectures and
speeches, or the ways he found to nurture experimental, enquiring
thought amongst an audience.

In Andreas Pfitzmann, too many of our members have lost a dear friend
and long-term inspirer. Our thoughts are firmly with his family, to whom
we extend our deepest and most profound condolences.