title: Swiss "Freedom Campaign" against biometric passports
date: 2008-07-20 00:00:00 
updated: 2009-12-13 00:52:14 
author: frankro
tags: update, biometrie, switzerland

The Chaos Computer Club (CCC) wishes to draw attention the all-party referendum committee against biometric passports and identity cards in Switzerland.

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Under [www.freiheitskampagne.ch](http://www.freiheitskampagne.ch/), an
alliance of various parties and members of parliament is appealing for
the collection of signatures for a referendum against the comprehensive
biometric registration of Swiss citizens.

The alliance is critical of compulsory fingerprinting, which will be
required for the issue of both passports and identity cards. The
biometric data, comprising fingerprints and a photograph of the face,
will be stored in a central government database and private
corporations, such as airlines, will have access to the fingerprints
stored on the chip.

With its campaign against fingerprints in identity documents, the CCC
has helped to ensure that in future German ID cards (Personalausweis),
fingerprints will only be included when the applicant agrees.