title: Blinkenlights Stereoscope
date: 2008-10-04 00:00:00 
updated: 2009-11-08 13:33:03 
author: maha
tags: update, blinkenlights

  After a long break the Blinkenlights Project is coming back to life. 
  Its new screen is the Toronto City Hall with its 960 windows on two 
  curved towers, forming 960 pixels with 16 brightness levels. The 
  installation is named "Blinkenlights Stereoscope" in honor of its double 
  screen. Everyone is invited to interact with it as it illuminates the 
  City Hall from October 4th to October 12th, 2008. Moreover, you are 
  invited to produce and publish your own animations. This time a special 
  iPhone application for Blinkenlights Stereoscope has been published.

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