title: CCC presents poetry-contest "Lyrical I" date: 2005-10-07 00:00:00 updated: 2011-07-28 10:17:31 author: frankro tags: update, poesie As of today we collect limericks, spoonerisms, haikus, sonnets, modern works - in short all poems imaginable about CCC-topics <!-- TEASER_END --> A sonnet about RFID is just as welcome as "Ode To My WindowManager", "Lovesong to my Notebook" or a "Programming-Language"-poem. All contributions will be licensed under the [Creative Commons License](http://creativecommons.org/)). All poems will be published at [](www.ccc.de/lyrical_i). We accept your masterpieces until Sunday, December 4th. The best contributions will be chosen by a jury of three. These will be presented at the [22nd Chaos Communication Congress](/congress/2005/). The poems can be in either German or English. Please send yours to lyrical\_i(at)ccc.de. Aim of the Game is to: - get beautiful poetry - have fun - take a new, unusual approach to the topics - original signatures & fortune cookies for all :)