title: 22C3 Public Wiki
date: 2005-11-11 00:00:00 
updated: 2009-04-18 19:12:41 
author: tim
tags: update

  We have opened a new public wiki for the participants of the upcoming 22nd Chaos Communication Congress.

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The upcoming 22nd Chaos Communication Congress provides a Public Wiki
system at [](http://events.ccc.de/congress/2005/wiki/) for the
participants to organize their visit. Official content is maintained by
the organization team to reflect up-to-date background information.

The wiki works in combination with the CCC Events Weblog at
[](http://events.ccc.de/). While the weblog points you to new
information that has just come up, the wiki is the place to share and

Post your projects, ideas and activities to the 22C3 Public Wiki. Create
a page for you telling about your interests and you the category system
to put you and your work in context.