title: demonstration against software patents
date: 2004-04-10 00:00:00 
updated: 2009-04-18 19:12:37 
author: haegar
tags: update

On April 14, 2004, the FFII organizes
a walking demonstration from Square de Meeus (near Place du Luxembourg) to
the European Council building. Last year, they organized a similar
demonstration in Brussels. It was a big success. About 400 persons came to
Brussels. This year they try to mobilise even more supporters.

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On April 14, 2004, the [FFII](http://www.ffii.org/) organizes a walking
demonstration from Square de Meeus (near Place du Luxembourg) to the
European Council building. Last year, they organized a similar
demonstration in Brussels. It was a big success. About 400 persons came
to Brussels. This year they try to mobilise even more supporters.

It is more then just a demonstration. If you want to find out more about
software patents, this is the place to be. There is a conference in the
afternoon. The demonstration is an ideal place to meet new people from
Europe and friends you normally only see on the internet. At the end of
the day, you can join the dinner.

So if you can make it to Bruessels, join in and help!

Read more about it on <http://demo.ffii.org/brussels.php>