title: Chaos Communication Camp 2003
date: 2003-05-17 00:00:00 
updated: 2013-10-29 10:39:06 
author: webmaster
tags: update, event, camp

The International Hacker Open Air Gathering

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*August 7th - August 10th 2003*

“Hacking is about thinking for yourself. Hacking needs a place for
meeting, discussing, testing, proving, questioning, designing,
redesigning, engineering, reengineering, searching, researching,
hacking, phreaking, brainstorming and understanding.”

“As our world is getting more and more complex, gaining and sharing
knowledge is the key to survival. There is a need for open communication
and a free, unlimited exchange of ideas and concepts. The Camp is a
place to do just that.”

The Camp is a four-day open-air all-in-one conference and hacker holiday
experience. We want you to join, put up your tent, to participate, to
contribute, to learn and to have fun. We will bring on the
infrastructure, you bring on yourself.

The Camp offers lots of features and activities that will keep you busy
experimenting and roaming among a variety of cool things going on
everywhere at the Camp.

*Further information:* [Chaos Communication Camp