title: The Office date: 2009-03-03 19:14:00 updated: 2018-02-03 02:13:49 author: erdgeist tags: office, club, bureaucracy, contact, membership, buero, chaos Like every large organisation the Chaos Computer Club doesn't get by some bureaucracy. The [office](mailto:office@ccc.de "Chaos Computer Club Office") manages all your matters regarding your membership or Datenschleuder subscription. From the office, to identify you easily, you'll get a small (at the time 5 digit) number assigned. We call this number Chaosnummer (chaos number) and almost doesn't hurt at all. Once you became a member the office will make sure that your name appears on your designated Datenschleuder and the cash desks at the [Congresses](http://events.ccc.de/congress/ "Chaos Communication Congress") and [Camps](http://events.ccc.de/camp/ "Chaos Communication Camp") knows to give you a discount. If you let the payments slide for too long the office might send you friendly payment reminders as well. You can get in touch with the office via e-mail at , and we recommend -as for any e-mail communication- to encrypt your e-mails to us using [PGP](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pretty_Good_Privacy "PGP") ([our key](/system/uploads/251/original/Office-2018.asc "office PGP key for 2018")). The current key's fingerprint is: pub   rsa4096/04268556 2018-02-02 [SCA] [expires: 2019-03-30] Key fingerprint = 7845 0E35 3C70 05BA E2E7  CDDA 5E71 40C3 0426 8556 uid         [ultimate] CCC Office Key (CCC Mitgliederverwaltung, Key 2018) sub   rsa4096/DCC6DBF2 2018-02-02 [E] [expires: 2019-03-30] The office is also available via snail mail at Chaos Computer Club e.V. Mitgliederverwaltung\ Zeiseweg 9\ D-22765 Hamburg GERMANY Before you contact the office please check quickly in our [membership section](/en/membership "Chaos Computer Club membership") or in our [FAQ](/en/faq "Chaos Computer Club FAQ"). Maybe your question is answered there already.