title: CCC Membership date: 2009-03-03 19:08:00 updated: 2010-01-05 17:46:46 author: erdgeist tags: club, mitglied, mitgliedschaft, mitgliedsantrag, membership ### Becoming a Member Everybody can become a member of the Chaos Computer Club. In doing so you support our daily work, our hackerspaces, our projects and infrastructure. You will also receive our magazine Die Datenschleuder and a reduced ticket price for our Chaos Communication Congress. ### How can I become a Member? Just print out this [pdf](/de/nodes/551/ccc.de/system/uploads/43/original/membership-de.pdf) and send it in via Mail or Fax. And please don't forget to sign it! We will send you a message with your personal membership number (Chaos-Nr.). ### Fees There is an admission fee (10 Euro) for new members. admission fee: - 10 Euro (only ionce) annual fee: - 72 Euro (standard membership) - 36 Euro pro Jahr (students, pupils, unemployed – proof needed) ### Donations We gladly accept any donation, even considerable sums. ### Bank transfer Please use your membership number (Chaos-Nr.) for all bank transfers. Any questions regarding your membership can be answered by the [Office](/de/office). **Bank account of the CCC e. V.:** - Chaos Computer Club e. V. - Konto-Nr. 599090201 - BLZ 20010020 - Postbank Hamburg - IBAN DE41 2001 0020 0599 0902 01 - BIC PBNKDEFF