title: CCC Membership
date: 2009-03-03 19:08:00 
updated: 2010-03-07 14:45:10 
author: erdgeist
tags: office, club, mitglied, mitgliedschaft, mitgliedsantrag, membership, application, bank account, blogger

### Becoming a Member

Everybody can become a member of the Chaos Computer Club. In doing so
you support our daily work, our hackerspaces, our projects and
infrastructure. You will also receive our magazine Die Datenschleuder
and a reduced ticket price for our Chaos Communication Congress.

### How can I become a Member?

Just print out this [application
pdf](https://berlin.ccc.de/mediawiki/images/e/ed/Membership-en.pdf) and
send it in via Mail or Fax. And please don't forget to sign it! We will
send you a message with your personal membership number (Chaos-Nr.).

### Fees

There is an enrolment fee (10 Euro) for new members.

Enrolment fee:

-   10 Euro (only once)

Annual fee:

-   72 Euro (standard membership)
-   36 Euro (students, pupils, unemployed – proof needed)

### Donations

We gladly accept any donation, even considerable sums.

### Bank transfer

Please do not pay until you hear from us! Our office will send you a
confirmation email with payment details. Please allow a few weeks for
this, we are all volunteers. In the confirmation email you will find
your membership number (Chaos-Nr.), please quote this number in your
payment. Please remit your annual fee to our bank account only after you
received the confirmation email. Any further questions regarding your
membership can be answered by the [Office](/en/office).

**Bank account of the CCC e. V.:**

-   Chaos Computer Club e. V.
-   Konto-Nr. 599090201
-   BLZ 20010020
-   Postbank Hamburg
-   IBAN DE41 2001 0020 0599 0902 01