title: Twitter & Co. date: 2009-11-19 16:07:00 updated: 2017-09-16 19:45:29 author: presse tags: twitter, diaspora, quitter, social media The Chaos Computer Club comments sometimes news and publishes event information, all press statements as well as hacker humor via [quitter](https://quitter.se/ccc) und [Twitter](http://twitter.com/chaosupdates), also via Diaspora: [chaosupdates\@diasp.org](https://diasp.org/u/chaosupdates). We are not on Facebook. **Event hashtag** For the annual [Chaos Communication Congress](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaos_Communication_Congress) an abbreviation is traditionally used as a hashtag. For example: For the 33rd Congress in 2016 the hashtag \#33C3 was used. In 2017, when in December the 34th Congress will take place, the hashtag will be \#34C3.