title: Erfa-Kreise
date: 2009-04-19 17:43:00 
updated: 2020-04-30 23:29:49 
author: 46halbe
tags: erfa, club, lokal, chaostreff, regional, erfa-kreis, verein, discordia, eris

The local and regional affiliates of the Chaos Computer Club are the so called Erfa-Kreise (short for information exchange circles). Here is a list with links.

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### Aachen

The hackerspace and Erfa-Kreis in the old imperial city has its doors
open for visitors on Wednesdays starting at 8 pm and is well hidden in
the gloomy realms of the deserted heavy industrial areas in the nort
east of Aachen (Jülicher Str. 191, 52070 Aachen). But with the right
[directions](http://aachen.ccc.de/kontakt) and an open eye for blinking
lights it's easy to find.

### Bamberg

The CCC affiliated hackerspace backspace gathers people interested in
technical innovation and free information exchange. It is a think tank,
worshop, hackerspace, open space, home, laboratory and instigator. There
is something going on every day, but most people meet at Spiegelgraben
41 in Bamberg on Tuesday, 7 pm. Further information

### Berlin

Club Discordia is a public meeting located at the CCC Berlin (Marienstr.
11, 10117 Berlin-Mitte). Meetings are held every thursday at 5pm.
Further information [online](http://berlin.ccc.de/).

### Bremen

The public get together of CCC Bremen takes place every tuesday at 8pm
in the AUCOOP building (Weberstrasse 18). More information online at

### Darmstadt

CCC Darmstadt meets tuesdays from 8pm in their "Trollhöhle" at
Wilhelm-Leuschner-Strasse 36. Please subscribe to the mailing list first
to get up to date information (darmstadt-subscribe (at)
lists.metarheinmain.de) More information online at

### Dresden

The geeks from Saxony and southern Brandenburg meet every tuesday in
Dresden ( [for details please ask via jabber at
c3d2\@muc.hq.c3d2.de](http://www.c3d2.de/muc.html "MUC")). Furthermore
there are occasional get-togethers for specific subjects, more
information [online](http://www.c3d2.de/)

### Düsseldorf

The nordic Chaos stronghold on the Rhine, knights against network
censorship and tolerant drinkers of Altbier meet every friday at 6pm in
Hüttenstr. 25 in Düsseldorf. If you want to get us to know, you can
visit us on the \#chaosdorf channel on OFTC. More information

### Erlangen

Bits'n'Bugs e.V. meets every tuesday at 7:30pm in E-Werk Erlangen,
Fuchsenwiese 1, group room 5. You may bring your own hardware to tinker.
For specific projects there are additional meetings on saturdays. Every
second tuesday of the month there is a "main" meeting with
organizational subjects and more people present. People also come here
from as far as Forchheim and Bamberg. More information on the

### Essen

Chaospott is the local subsidary of the CCC at the heart of the Ruhr
area. We meet every wednesday at 7 pm in the »foobar«. Further
information is available on our [webseite](http://chaospott.de/) and on
the [»foobar« website](http://www.die-foobar.de/).

### Frankfurt am Main

We meet every tuesday (even on most holidays) at 7pm in our hackspace
the HQ. All interested people are welcome. More information on the

### Freiburg

Erfa Freiburg meets on tuesdays at 7pm in their own room at ArTik, the
former underpass at Siegesdenkmal (Kaiser-Joseph-Strasse 141, 79089
Freiburg) More information on the [web](http://www.cccfr.de).

### Göttingen

Erfa Göttingen was founded Nov 2007 by hackers close to the Chaos
Computer Club. Open Chaos is every tuesday from 8pm at NOKLAB (Neustadt
7, Innenstadt, Nähe Bahnhof). All interested people are welcome. More
information [here](http://www.chaostreff-goettingen.de/).

### Hamburg

The Erfakreis Hamburg has it's residence at Viktoria-Kaserne, room 119
(1st floor, east wing) Zeiseweg 9, 22765 Hamburg. Last Tuesday each
month is perfect to get to know each other and ask questions. We also
have a [calendar](http://www.hamburg.ccc.de/category/termine) filled
with events open for visitors. Find more information on our
[webpage](http://hamburg.ccc.de/) or at \#ccchh on irc.hackint.org.

### Hannover

The regional Chaos in Hannover meets every second wednesday of the month
from 8pm and on the last sunday of the month from 4pm at the
Bürgerschule in their clubroom (room 3.1) in the community center
Nordstadt. More information [here](https://hannover.ccc.de/)

### Karlsruhe

[Erfa Karlsruhe](https://entropia.de/) is a registered club with the
name 'Entropia'. The public [meetings](https://entropia.de/Treffen) take
place every Sunday from 7:30 pm in our
[club](https://entropia.de/Clubr%C3%A4ume) (Gewerbehof, Steinstr. 23)
and targets people from Karlsruhe and surrounding region.

### Kassel

Erfa Kassel consists of people who enjoy creative use of technology and
are happy to tinker. There is also a considerable amount of programming
going on. Sometimes workshops take place on specific topics, which are
announced in advance. Our public meeting is held every first Thursday of
the month from 5pm in room -1307 the University of Kassel, William Allee
71 (engineer school). Please register before by mail. The room is
usually busy at any Thursday. More information on the
[Web](https://kassel.ccc.de/) or on irc at \#cccks on rizon network.

### Cologne

The c4 is a westward bridge head of the innovative technoligy usage with
all features that are necessary for chaos. The public meeting is called
OpenChaos. The meeting takes place on the last thursday of the month at
19:30 in the Chaoslabor in Cologne-Ehrenfeld. More information

### Mannheim

Erfa Mannheim is a local contact point for people that are intrested in
computer and technology, who search for like minded people. You can
exchange, present and discuss your ideas. Our public meeting takes place
every friday. The dates can be found on our Wiki. More information

### Mainz/Wiesbaden

The Chaos Computer Club Mainz meets every tuesday, 7pm, at Sedanplatz 7
in Wiesbaden. The meetup is addressed to everyone from Mainz/Wiesbaden
and the near surroundings. Further information may be found

### Munich

The public meetup of the µc³ takes places every second tuesday of the
month, starting at about 8 pm at Hessstr. 90 (corner to Schleißheimer
Str. 41). Please check the [IRC](http://wiki.muc.ccc.de/irc) channel in
advance if anyone is already there. The channel is also the place to get
in contact with someone from the CCC Munich. Further information in
[web](http://www.muc.ccc.de/) or [wiki](http://wiki.muc.ccc.de/).

### Paderborn

We meet up Wednesdays at the pottery in the "Kulturwerkstatt". Our move
to our new rooms in Westernmauer 12 is imminent. More information on

### Stuttgart

Der Chaos Computer Club Stuttgart e. V. meets every first tuesday of the
month at the Zadu-Bar (Reuchlinstraße 4b) at 6:30pm and every third
wednesday of the month at the Shackspace (Ulmer Straße 255). Our monthly
Talk is every second thursday of the month in the public library of
Stuttgart at the Mailänder Platz at 7:30pm. More information on [our

### Ulm

The Chaostreff Ulm meets every monday at 19:30 Uhr in Cafe Einstein at
the University Ulm, except for every second monday of the month. This
date is reserved for the Chaosseminar. More Informationen on our

### Vienna

The Metalab meets every second Week from 7pm at Rathausstraße 6 in 1010
Vienna. Details about the meetup are published in Metalab-Calender and
announced via our mailinglist. More Informationen on our

### Zurich

The Chaostreff Zurich meets every wednesday from 7pm at the Hackerspace
at [Luegislandstrasse
in Zürich/Schwamendingen. More Informationen see