title: Chaos Computer Club date: 2009-03-05 01:38:00 updated: 2013-12-23 01:35:47 author: erdgeist tags: club, ccc, hacker Chaos Computer Club (CCC) was [founded](http://www.ccc.de/veranstaltungen/1981-gruendung/CCC-gruendung.pdf "Chaos Computer Club Gründung") in 1981 and is one of the longest established and most influential organisations dealing with the security and privacy aspects of technology in the German-speaking world. Organized in 23 so-called "[Erfakreisen](/en/club/erfa "Chaos Computer Club Erfa-Kreise")" and even more smaller "Chaostreffs" CCC hackers work decentralized. We have about 3,600 [members](/de/nodes/547/membership "Chaos Computer Club Mitgliedschaft"). Since 1984 the CCC hosts its annual [Chaos Communication Congress](http://events.ccc.de/congress/ "Chaos Communication Congress") and edits its publication [Die Datenschleuder](http://ds.ccc.de/ "Die Datenschleuder").