/* This software was written by Dirk Engling <erdgeist@erdgeist.org> It is considered beerware. Prost. Skol. Cheers or whatever. $id$ */ /* System */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/uio.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> /* Libowfat */ #include "byte.h" #include "io.h" /* Opentracker */ #include "trackerlogic.h" #include "ot_mutex.h" #include "ot_stats.h" #ifndef NO_FULLSCRAPE_LOGGING #define LOG_TO_STDERR( ... ) fprintf( stderr, __VA_ARGS__ ) #else #define LOG_TO_STDERR( ... ) #endif /* Clumsy counters... to be rethought */ static unsigned long long ot_overall_tcp_connections = 0; static unsigned long long ot_overall_udp_connections = 0; static unsigned long long ot_overall_tcp_successfulannounces = 0; static unsigned long long ot_overall_udp_successfulannounces = 0; static unsigned long long ot_overall_tcp_successfulscrapes = 0; static unsigned long long ot_overall_udp_successfulscrapes = 0; static unsigned long long ot_overall_tcp_connects = 0; static unsigned long long ot_overall_udp_connects = 0; static unsigned long long ot_full_scrape_count = 0; static unsigned long long ot_full_scrape_request_count = 0; static unsigned long long ot_full_scrape_size = 0; static unsigned long long ot_failed_request_counts[CODE_HTTPERROR_COUNT]; static time_t ot_start_time; #ifdef WANT_LOG_NETWORKS #define STATS_NETWORK_NODE_BITWIDTH 8 #define STATS_NETWORK_NODE_MAXDEPTH 3 #define STATS_NETWORK_NODE_BITMASK ((1<<STATS_NETWORK_NODE_BITWIDTH)-1) #define STATS_NETWORK_NODE_COUNT (1<<STATS_NETWORK_NODE_BITWIDTH) typedef union stats_network_node stats_network_node; union stats_network_node { int counters[STATS_NETWORK_NODE_COUNT]; stats_network_node *children[STATS_NETWORK_NODE_COUNT]; }; static stats_network_node *stats_network_counters_root = NULL; static int stat_increase_network_count( stats_network_node **node, int depth, uint32_t ip ) { int foo = ( ip >> ( 32 - STATS_NETWORK_NODE_BITWIDTH * ( ++depth ) ) ) & STATS_NETWORK_NODE_BITMASK; if( !*node ) { *node = malloc( sizeof( stats_network_node ) ); if( !*node ) return -1; memset( *node, 0, sizeof( stats_network_node ) ); } if( depth < STATS_NETWORK_NODE_MAXDEPTH ) return stat_increase_network_count( &(*node)->children[ foo ], depth, ip ); (*node)->counters[ foo ]++; return 0; } static int stats_shift_down_network_count( stats_network_node **node, int depth, int shift ) { int i, rest = 0; if( !*node ) return 0; if( ++depth == STATS_NETWORK_NODE_MAXDEPTH ) for( i=0; i<STATS_NETWORK_NODE_COUNT; ++i ) { rest += ((*node)->counters[i]>>=shift); return rest; } for( i=0; i<STATS_NETWORK_NODE_COUNT; ++i ) { stats_network_node **childnode = &(*node)->children[i]; int rest_val; if( !*childnode ) continue; rest += rest_val = stats_shift_down_network_count( childnode, depth, shift ); if( rest_val ) continue; free( (*node)->children[i] ); (*node)->children[i] = NULL; } return rest; } static void stats_get_highscore_networks( stats_network_node *node, int depth, uint32_t node_value, int *scores, uint32_t *networks, int network_count ) { int i; if( !node ) return; if( !depth++ ) { memset( scores, 0, sizeof( *scores ) * network_count ); memset( networks, 0, sizeof( *networks ) * network_count ); } if( depth < STATS_NETWORK_NODE_MAXDEPTH ) { for( i=0; i<STATS_NETWORK_NODE_COUNT; ++i ) if( node->children[i] ) stats_get_highscore_networks( node->children[i], depth, node_value | ( i << ( 32 - depth * STATS_NETWORK_NODE_BITWIDTH ) ), scores, networks, network_count ); } else for( i=0; i<STATS_NETWORK_NODE_COUNT; ++i ) { int j=1; if( node->counters[i] <= scores[0] ) continue; while( (j<network_count) && (node->counters[i]>scores[j] ) ) ++j; --j; memmove( scores, scores + 1, j * sizeof( *scores ) ); memmove( networks, networks + 1, j * sizeof( *networks ) ); scores[ j ] = node->counters[ i ]; networks[ j ] = node_value | ( i << ( 32 - depth * STATS_NETWORK_NODE_BITWIDTH ) ); } } static size_t stats_return_busy_networks( char * reply ) { uint32_t networks[16]; int scores[16]; int i; char * r = reply; stats_get_highscore_networks( stats_network_counters_root, 0, 0, scores, networks, 16 ); for( i=15; i>=0; --i) r += sprintf( r, "%08i: %d.%d.%d.0/24\n", scores[i], (networks[i]>>24)&0xff, (networks[i]>>16)&0xff, (networks[i]>>8)&0xff ); return r - reply; } #endif /* Converter function from memory to human readable hex strings */ static char*to_hex(char*d,uint8_t*s){char*m="0123456789ABCDEF";char *t=d;char*e=d+40;while(d<e){*d++=m[*s>>4];*d++=m[*s++&15];}*d=0;return t;} typedef struct { size_t val; ot_torrent * torrent; } ot_record; /* Fetches stats from tracker */ size_t stats_top5_txt( char * reply ) { size_t j; ot_record top5s[5], top5c[5]; char *r = reply, hex_out[42]; int idx, bucket; byte_zero( top5s, sizeof( top5s ) ); byte_zero( top5c, sizeof( top5c ) ); for( bucket=0; bucket<OT_BUCKET_COUNT; ++bucket ) { ot_vector *torrents_list = mutex_bucket_lock( bucket ); for( j=0; j<torrents_list->size; ++j ) { ot_peerlist *peer_list = ( ((ot_torrent*)(torrents_list->data))[j] ).peer_list; int idx = 4; while( (idx >= 0) && ( peer_list->peer_count > top5c[idx].val ) ) --idx; if ( idx++ != 4 ) { memmove( top5c + idx + 1, top5c + idx, ( 4 - idx ) * sizeof( ot_record ) ); top5c[idx].val = peer_list->peer_count; top5c[idx].torrent = (ot_torrent*)(torrents_list->data) + j; } idx = 4; while( (idx >= 0) && ( peer_list->seed_count > top5s[idx].val ) ) --idx; if ( idx++ != 4 ) { memmove( top5s + idx + 1, top5s + idx, ( 4 - idx ) * sizeof( ot_record ) ); top5s[idx].val = peer_list->seed_count; top5s[idx].torrent = (ot_torrent*)(torrents_list->data) + j; } } mutex_bucket_unlock( bucket ); } r += sprintf( r, "Top5 torrents by peers:\n" ); for( idx=0; idx<5; ++idx ) if( top5c[idx].torrent ) r += sprintf( r, "\t%zd\t%s\n", top5c[idx].val, to_hex( hex_out, top5c[idx].torrent->hash) ); r += sprintf( r, "Top5 torrents by seeds:\n" ); for( idx=0; idx<5; ++idx ) if( top5s[idx].torrent ) r += sprintf( r, "\t%zd\t%s\n", top5s[idx].val, to_hex( hex_out, top5s[idx].torrent->hash) ); return r - reply; } /* This function collects 4096 /24s in 4096 possible malloc blocks */ static size_t stats_slash24s_txt( char * reply, size_t amount, uint32_t thresh ) { #define NUM_TOPBITS 12 #define NUM_LOWBITS (24-NUM_TOPBITS) #define NUM_BUFS (1<<NUM_TOPBITS) #define NUM_S24S (1<<NUM_LOWBITS) #define MSK_S24S (NUM_S24S-1) uint32_t *counts[ NUM_BUFS ]; uint32_t slash24s[amount*2]; /* first dword amount, second dword subnet */ int bucket; size_t i, j, k, l; char *r = reply; byte_zero( counts, sizeof( counts ) ); byte_zero( slash24s, amount * 2 * sizeof(uint32_t) ); r += sprintf( r, "Stats for all /24s with more than %u announced torrents:\n\n", thresh ); for( bucket=0; bucket<OT_BUCKET_COUNT; ++bucket ) { ot_vector *torrents_list = mutex_bucket_lock( bucket ); for( j=0; j<torrents_list->size; ++j ) { ot_peerlist *peer_list = ( ((ot_torrent*)(torrents_list->data))[j] ).peer_list; for( k=0; k<OT_POOLS_COUNT; ++k ) { ot_peer *peers = peer_list->peers[k].data; size_t numpeers = peer_list->peers[k].size; for( l=0; l<numpeers; ++l ) { uint32_t s24 = ntohl(*(uint32_t*)(peers+l)) >> 8; uint32_t *count = counts[ s24 >> NUM_LOWBITS ]; if( !count ) { count = malloc( sizeof(uint32_t) * NUM_S24S ); if( !count ) { mutex_bucket_unlock( bucket ); goto bailout_cleanup; } byte_zero( count, sizeof( uint32_t ) * NUM_S24S ); counts[ s24 >> NUM_LOWBITS ] = count; } count[ s24 & MSK_S24S ]++; } } } mutex_bucket_unlock( bucket ); } k = l = 0; /* Debug: count allocated bufs */ for( i=0; i < NUM_BUFS; ++i ) { uint32_t *count = counts[i]; if( !counts[i] ) continue; ++k; /* Debug: count allocated bufs */ for( j=0; j < NUM_S24S; ++j ) { if( count[j] > thresh ) { /* This subnet seems to announce more torrents than the last in our list */ int insert_pos = amount - 1; while( ( insert_pos >= 0 ) && ( count[j] > slash24s[ 2 * insert_pos ] ) ) --insert_pos; ++insert_pos; memmove( slash24s + 2 * ( insert_pos + 1 ), slash24s + 2 * ( insert_pos ), 2 * sizeof( uint32_t ) * ( amount - insert_pos - 1 ) ); slash24s[ 2 * insert_pos ] = count[j]; slash24s[ 2 * insert_pos + 1 ] = ( i << NUM_TOPBITS ) + j; if( slash24s[ 2 * amount - 2 ] > thresh ) thresh = slash24s[ 2 * amount - 2 ]; } if( count[j] ) ++l; } free( count ); } r += sprintf( r, "Allocated bufs: %zd, used s24s: %zd\n", k, l ); for( i=0; i < amount; ++i ) if( slash24s[ 2*i ] >= thresh ) { uint32_t ip = slash24s[ 2*i +1 ]; r += sprintf( r, "% 10ld %d.%d.%d.0/24\n", (long)slash24s[ 2*i ], (int)(ip >> 16), (int)(255 & ( ip >> 8 )), (int)(ip & 255) ); } return r - reply; bailout_cleanup: for( i=0; i < NUM_BUFS; ++i ) free( counts[i] ); return 0; } static unsigned long events_per_time( unsigned long long events, time_t t ) { return events / ( (unsigned int)t ? (unsigned int)t : 1 ); } static size_t stats_connections_mrtg( char * reply ) { ot_time t = time( NULL ) - ot_start_time; return sprintf( reply, "%llu\n%llu\n%i seconds (%i hours)\nopentracker connections, %lu conns/s :: %lu success/s.", ot_overall_tcp_connections+ot_overall_udp_connections, ot_overall_tcp_successfulannounces+ot_overall_udp_successfulannounces+ot_overall_udp_connects, (int)t, (int)(t / 3600), events_per_time( ot_overall_tcp_connections+ot_overall_udp_connections, t ), events_per_time( ot_overall_tcp_successfulannounces+ot_overall_udp_successfulannounces+ot_overall_udp_connects, t ) ); } static size_t stats_udpconnections_mrtg( char * reply ) { ot_time t = time( NULL ) - ot_start_time; return sprintf( reply, "%llu\n%llu\n%i seconds (%i hours)\nopentracker udp4 stats, %lu conns/s :: %lu success/s.", ot_overall_udp_connections, ot_overall_udp_successfulannounces+ot_overall_udp_connects, (int)t, (int)(t / 3600), events_per_time( ot_overall_udp_connections, t ), events_per_time( ot_overall_udp_successfulannounces+ot_overall_udp_connects, t ) ); } static size_t stats_tcpconnections_mrtg( char * reply ) { time_t t = time( NULL ) - ot_start_time; return sprintf( reply, "%llu\n%llu\n%i seconds (%i hours)\nopentracker tcp4 stats, %lu conns/s :: %lu success/s.", ot_overall_tcp_connections, ot_overall_tcp_successfulannounces, (int)t, (int)(t / 3600), events_per_time( ot_overall_tcp_connections, t ), events_per_time( ot_overall_tcp_successfulannounces, t ) ); } static size_t stats_scrape_mrtg( char * reply ) { time_t t = time( NULL ) - ot_start_time; return sprintf( reply, "%llu\n%llu\n%i seconds (%i hours)\nopentracker scrape stats, %lu scrape/s (tcp and udp)", ot_overall_tcp_successfulscrapes, ot_overall_udp_successfulscrapes, (int)t, (int)(t / 3600), events_per_time( (ot_overall_tcp_successfulscrapes+ot_overall_udp_successfulscrapes), t ) ); } static size_t stats_fullscrapes_mrtg( char * reply ) { ot_time t = time( NULL ) - ot_start_time; return sprintf( reply, "%llu\n%llu\n%i seconds (%i hours)\nopentracker full scrape stats, %lu conns/s :: %lu bytes/s.", ot_full_scrape_count * 1000, ot_full_scrape_size, (int)t, (int)(t / 3600), events_per_time( ot_full_scrape_count, t ), events_per_time( ot_full_scrape_size, t ) ); } static size_t stats_peers_mrtg( char * reply ) { size_t torrent_count = 0, peer_count = 0, seed_count = 0, j; int bucket; for( bucket=0; bucket<OT_BUCKET_COUNT; ++bucket ) { ot_vector *torrents_list = mutex_bucket_lock( bucket ); torrent_count += torrents_list->size; for( j=0; j<torrents_list->size; ++j ) { ot_peerlist *peer_list = ( ((ot_torrent*)(torrents_list->data))[j] ).peer_list; peer_count += peer_list->peer_count; seed_count += peer_list->seed_count; } mutex_bucket_unlock( bucket ); } return sprintf( reply, "%zd\n%zd\nopentracker serving %zd torrents\nopentracker", peer_count, seed_count, torrent_count ); } static size_t stats_startstop_mrtg( char * reply ) { size_t torrent_count = 0; int bucket; for( bucket=0; bucket<OT_BUCKET_COUNT; ++bucket ) { ot_vector *torrents_list = mutex_bucket_lock( bucket ); torrent_count += torrents_list->size; mutex_bucket_unlock( bucket ); } return sprintf( reply, "%zd\n%zd\nopentracker handling %zd torrents\nopentracker", (size_t)0, (size_t)0, torrent_count ); } static size_t stats_toraddrem_mrtg( char * reply ) { size_t peer_count = 0, j; int bucket; for( bucket=0; bucket<OT_BUCKET_COUNT; ++bucket ) { ot_vector *torrents_list = mutex_bucket_lock( bucket ); for( j=0; j<torrents_list->size; ++j ) { ot_peerlist *peer_list = ( ((ot_torrent*)(torrents_list->data))[j] ).peer_list; peer_count += peer_list->peer_count; } mutex_bucket_unlock( bucket ); } return sprintf( reply, "%zd\n%zd\nopentracker handling %zd peers\nopentracker", (size_t)0, (size_t)0, peer_count ); } static size_t stats_torrents_mrtg( char * reply ) { size_t torrent_count = 0; int bucket; for( bucket=0; bucket<OT_BUCKET_COUNT; ++bucket ) { ot_vector *torrents_list = mutex_bucket_lock( bucket ); torrent_count += torrents_list->size; mutex_bucket_unlock( bucket ); } return sprintf( reply, "%zd\n%zd\nopentracker serving %zd torrents\nopentracker", torrent_count, (size_t)0, torrent_count ); } static size_t stats_httperrors_txt ( char * reply ) { return sprintf( reply, "302 RED %llu\n400 ... %llu\n400 PAR %llu\n400 COM %llu\n403 IP %llu\n404 INV %llu\n500 SRV %llu\n", ot_failed_request_counts[0], ot_failed_request_counts[1], ot_failed_request_counts[2], ot_failed_request_counts[3], ot_failed_request_counts[4], ot_failed_request_counts[5], ot_failed_request_counts[6] ); } extern const char *g_version_opentracker_c, *g_version_accesslist_c, *g_version_clean_c, *g_version_fullscrape_c, *g_version_http_c, *g_version_iovec_c, *g_version_mutex_c, *g_version_stats_c, *g_version_sync_c, *g_version_udp_c, *g_version_vector_c, *g_version_scan_urlencoded_query_c, *g_version_trackerlogic_c, *g_version_livesync_c; size_t stats_return_tracker_version( char *reply ) { return sprintf( reply, "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", g_version_opentracker_c, g_version_accesslist_c, g_version_clean_c, g_version_fullscrape_c, g_version_http_c, g_version_iovec_c, g_version_mutex_c, g_version_stats_c, g_version_sync_c, g_version_udp_c, g_version_vector_c, g_version_scan_urlencoded_query_c, g_version_trackerlogic_c, g_version_livesync_c ); } size_t return_stats_for_tracker( char *reply, int mode, int format ) { format = format; switch( mode ) { case TASK_STATS_CONNS: return stats_connections_mrtg( reply ); case TASK_STATS_SCRAPE: return stats_scrape_mrtg( reply ); case TASK_STATS_UDP: return stats_udpconnections_mrtg( reply ); case TASK_STATS_TCP: return stats_tcpconnections_mrtg( reply ); case TASK_STATS_PEERS: return stats_peers_mrtg( reply ); case TASK_STATS_TORRENTS: return stats_torrents_mrtg( reply ); case TASK_STATS_TORADDREM: return stats_toraddrem_mrtg( reply ); case TASK_STATS_STARTSTOP: return stats_startstop_mrtg( reply ); case TASK_STATS_SLASH24S: return stats_slash24s_txt( reply, 25, 16 ); case TASK_STATS_TOP5: return stats_top5_txt( reply ); case TASK_STATS_FULLSCRAPE: return stats_fullscrapes_mrtg( reply ); case TASK_STATS_HTTPERRORS: return stats_httperrors_txt( reply ); case TASK_STATS_VERSION: return stats_return_tracker_version( reply ); #ifdef WANT_LOG_NETWORKS case TASK_STATS_BUSY_NETWORKS: return stats_return_busy_networks( reply ); #endif default: return 0; } } void stats_issue_event( ot_status_event event, PROTO_FLAG proto, uint32_t event_data ) { switch( event ) { case EVENT_ACCEPT: if( proto == FLAG_TCP ) ot_overall_tcp_connections++; else ot_overall_udp_connections++; #ifdef WANT_LOG_NETWORKS stat_increase_network_count( &stats_network_counters_root, 0, event_data ); #endif break; case EVENT_ANNOUNCE: if( proto == FLAG_TCP ) ot_overall_tcp_successfulannounces++; else ot_overall_udp_successfulannounces++; break; case EVENT_CONNECT: if( proto == FLAG_TCP ) ot_overall_tcp_connects++; else ot_overall_udp_connects++; break; case EVENT_SCRAPE: if( proto == FLAG_TCP ) ot_overall_tcp_successfulscrapes++; else ot_overall_udp_successfulscrapes++; case EVENT_FULLSCRAPE: ot_full_scrape_count++; ot_full_scrape_size += event_data; break; case EVENT_FULLSCRAPE_REQUEST: { unsigned char ip[4]; *(int*)ip = (int)proto; /* ugly hack to transfer ip to stats */ LOG_TO_STDERR( "[%08d] scrp: %d.%d.%d.%d - FULL SCRAPE\n", (unsigned int)(g_now - ot_start_time), ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3] ); ot_full_scrape_request_count++; } break; case EVENT_FULLSCRAPE_REQUEST_GZIP: { unsigned char ip[4]; *(int*)ip = (int)proto; /* ugly hack to transfer ip to stats */ LOG_TO_STDERR( "[%08d] scrp: %d.%d.%d.%d - FULL SCRAPE GZIP\n", (unsigned int)(g_now - ot_start_time), ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3] ); ot_full_scrape_request_count++; } break; case EVENT_FAILED: ot_failed_request_counts[event_data]++; break; case EVENT_SYNC_IN_REQUEST: case EVENT_SYNC_IN: case EVENT_SYNC_OUT_REQUEST: case EVENT_SYNC_OUT: break; default: break; } } void stats_init( ) { ot_start_time = g_now; } void stats_deinit( ) { } const char *g_version_stats_c = "$Source$: $Revision$\n";