AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2007-01-16Prevent each invocation of clean_peerlist to call time()erdgeist
2007-01-16Use mrtg to do periodical cleanup. Hopefully that wont make too much load for stats.erdgeist
2007-01-16Rudimentary statserdgeist
2007-01-16Do some timeout checking on the first possible momenterdgeist
2007-01-16Previous answer to event=stopped irritated some clients. Now reply with a static nothing-messageerdgeist
2007-01-15set interval to default value from original trackerdenis
2007-01-14Cast types for mrtg_scrape sprintferdgeist
2007-01-14Drop permission, if we canerdgeist
2007-01-13New, fixpoint distinct random algorithm for choosing peers from the list... may contain bugs. Feedback welcomeerdgeist
2007-01-13Dont want ips from query string by defaulterdgeist
2007-01-12Compiles with newest libowfat onlyerdgeist
2007-01-12testsuite points to localhosterdgeist
2007-01-12casting does floor() by itselferdgeist
2007-01-11Documentation improved, some reindenting (again), variable types checked, unnecessary defines removederdgeist
2007-01-10Ignore SIGPIPE. This is safe, since it only raises, when the remote site died before we could send our paket back and is catched by write() returning -1erdgeist
2007-01-09Fixed a bug where I didn't replace new buffer pointer after realloc. Fixed a bug where I didnt copy enough memory when shrinking vectors. Now save some extra...erdgeist
2007-01-08Now we also check, if no io happenserdgeist
2007-01-08Some code spacifying. Added actually checking timeouts.erdgeist
2007-01-08Indent. Sorry. Plus timeout on every connection, for every byte we got.erdgeist
2007-01-08This one breaks all ;) Lets see, what happenserdgeist
2007-01-07add timeout for clientserdgeist
2007-01-06shutdown was unnecessaryerdgeist
2007-01-06tidy up optionserdgeist
2007-01-06Apply some limitserdgeist
2007-01-05black listing was the wrong way arounderdgeist
2007-01-05really check g_check_blacklist flagerdgeist
2007-01-05Be more helpfulerdgeist
2007-01-05added closed tracker and blacklist codeerdgeist
2007-01-04Shell Testsuiteerdgeist
2007-01-04simplified binary_search, it always does a memcmp. began to implement dump knowledgeerdgeist
2007-01-03Added option to get ip from query string + parser, fixed two bugs concerning grow/shrink of vectors. Now cleans up a torrent BEFORE trying to remove a peer -...erdgeist
2006-12-19Remove some integer constants from code. Bad coder. Very bad coder :/erdgeist
2006-12-19Now every answer goes in one buffererdgeist
2006-12-16Try early answerserdgeist
2006-12-16Missing header fileerdgeist
2006-12-16try shutdown() the socket after writingerdgeist
2006-12-16corrected the modifier for size_tdenis
2006-12-16freebsd supportdenis
2006-12-16Fixed two mem leaks from httpd :/erdgeist
2006-12-16Fixed memleak in example httpd :/erdgeist
2006-12-16Made answer http/1.1erdgeist
2006-12-15Division in stats now workserdgeist
2006-12-15Fix port again ;) Include headers in Makefile dependencieserdgeist
2006-12-15fixed setport fuckuperdgeist
2006-12-15fix includeerdgeist
2006-12-15Make code endianess saveerdgeist
2006-12-15fixed typodenis
2006-12-15sorted bencoded ordererdgeist