\timing on CREATE TABLE telefonbuch ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, presence_flag bigint, reverse_flag bigint, biz_flag bigint, zip character varying(64)[] DEFAULT '{}', nachname character varying(256)[] DEFAULT '{}', vorname character varying(192)[] DEFAULT '{}', zusaetze character varying(512)[] DEFAULT '{}', strasse character varying(64)[] DEFAULT '{}', hausnummer character varying(32)[] DEFAULT '{}', verweise text[] DEFAULT '{}', ort character varying(64)[] DEFAULT '{}', vorwahl character varying(10)[] DEFAULT '{}', rufnummer character varying(32)[] DEFAULT '{}', web character varying(256)[] DEFAULT '{}', email character varying(256)[] DEFAULT '{}', coords character varying(32)[] DEFAULT '{}' ); COPY Telefonbuch ( presence_flag, reverse_flag, biz_flag, zip, nachname, vorname, zusaetze, strasse, hausnummer, verweise, ort, vorwahl, rufnummer, web, email, coords ) FROM '/Users/erdgeist/Coding/Telefonbuch/work/telefonbuch.txt' WITH NULL AS ''; -- # Clean up the old ones DROP TABLE IF EXISTS table_nachname, table_vorname, table_zusaetze, table_strasse, table_hausnummer, table_zip, table_ort, table_verweise, table_vorwahl, table_rufnummer, table_web, table_email; -- # tables we use for indexing CREATE TABLE table_nachname ( telefonbuch_id integer, offs integer, value text); CREATE TABLE table_vorname ( telefonbuch_id integer, offs integer, value text); CREATE TABLE table_zusaetze ( telefonbuch_id integer, offs integer, value text); CREATE TABLE table_strasse ( telefonbuch_id integer, offs integer, value text); CREATE TABLE table_hausnummer ( telefonbuch_id integer, offs integer, value text); CREATE TABLE table_zip ( telefonbuch_id integer, offs integer, value text); CREATE TABLE table_ort ( telefonbuch_id integer, offs integer, value text); CREATE TABLE table_verweise ( telefonbuch_id integer, offs integer, value text); CREATE TABLE table_vorwahl ( telefonbuch_id integer, offs integer, value text); CREATE TABLE table_rufnummer ( telefonbuch_id integer, offs integer, value text); CREATE TABLE table_web ( telefonbuch_id integer, offs integer, value text); CREATE TABLE table_email ( telefonbuch_id integer, offs integer, value text); -- # Take copies of all content rows for indexing INSERT INTO table_nachname ( telefonbuch_id, offs, value ) SELECT id, offs, value FROM Telefonbuch CROSS JOIN unnest(nachname ) WITH ORDINALITY u(value, offs); INSERT INTO table_vorname ( telefonbuch_id, offs, value ) SELECT id, offs, value FROM Telefonbuch CROSS JOIN unnest(vorname ) WITH ORDINALITY u(value, offs); INSERT INTO table_zusaetze ( telefonbuch_id, offs, value ) SELECT id, offs, value FROM Telefonbuch CROSS JOIN unnest(zusaetze ) WITH ORDINALITY u(value, offs); INSERT INTO table_strasse ( telefonbuch_id, offs, value ) SELECT id, offs, value FROM Telefonbuch CROSS JOIN unnest(strasse ) WITH ORDINALITY u(value, offs); INSERT INTO table_hausnummer ( telefonbuch_id, offs, value ) SELECT id, offs, value FROM Telefonbuch CROSS JOIN unnest(hausnummer ) WITH ORDINALITY u(value, offs); INSERT INTO table_zip ( telefonbuch_id, offs, value ) SELECT id, offs, value FROM Telefonbuch CROSS JOIN unnest(zip ) WITH ORDINALITY u(value, offs); INSERT INTO table_ort ( telefonbuch_id, offs, value ) SELECT id, offs, value FROM Telefonbuch CROSS JOIN unnest(ort ) WITH ORDINALITY u(value, offs); INSERT INTO table_verweise ( telefonbuch_id, offs, value ) SELECT id, offs, value FROM Telefonbuch CROSS JOIN unnest(verweise ) WITH ORDINALITY u(value, offs); INSERT INTO table_vorwahl ( telefonbuch_id, offs, value ) SELECT id, offs, value FROM Telefonbuch CROSS JOIN unnest(vorwahl ) WITH ORDINALITY u(value, offs); INSERT INTO table_rufnummer ( telefonbuch_id, offs, value ) SELECT id, offs, value FROM Telefonbuch CROSS JOIN unnest(rufnummer ) WITH ORDINALITY u(value, offs); INSERT INTO table_web ( telefonbuch_id, offs, value ) SELECT id, offs, value FROM Telefonbuch CROSS JOIN unnest(web ) WITH ORDINALITY u(value, offs); INSERT INTO table_email ( telefonbuch_id, offs, value ) SELECT id, offs, value FROM Telefonbuch CROSS JOIN unnest(email ) WITH ORDINALITY u(value, offs); ALTER TABLE table_nachname ADD PRIMARY KEY (telefonbuch_id, offs); ALTER TABLE table_vorname ADD PRIMARY KEY (telefonbuch_id, offs); ALTER TABLE table_zusaetze ADD PRIMARY KEY (telefonbuch_id, offs); ALTER TABLE table_strasse ADD PRIMARY KEY (telefonbuch_id, offs); ALTER TABLE table_hausnummer ADD PRIMARY KEY (telefonbuch_id, offs); ALTER TABLE table_zip ADD PRIMARY KEY (telefonbuch_id, offs); ALTER TABLE table_ort ADD PRIMARY KEY (telefonbuch_id, offs); ALTER TABLE table_verweise ADD PRIMARY KEY (telefonbuch_id, offs); ALTER TABLE table_vorwahl ADD PRIMARY KEY (telefonbuch_id, offs); ALTER TABLE table_rufnummer ADD PRIMARY KEY (telefonbuch_id, offs); ALTER TABLE table_web ADD PRIMARY KEY (telefonbuch_id, offs); ALTER TABLE table_email ADD PRIMARY KEY (telefonbuch_id, offs); -- # equality indexes CREATE INDEX idx_nachname ON table_nachname USING btree (value, telefonbuch_id, offs); CREATE INDEX idx_vorname ON table_vorname USING btree (value, telefonbuch_id, offs); CREATE INDEX idx_zusaetze ON table_zusaetze USING btree (value, telefonbuch_id, offs); CREATE INDEX idx_strasse ON table_strasse USING btree (value, telefonbuch_id, offs); CREATE INDEX idx_hausnummer ON table_hausnummer USING btree (value, telefonbuch_id, offs); CREATE INDEX idx_zip ON table_zip USING btree (value, telefonbuch_id, offs); CREATE INDEX idx_ort ON table_ort USING btree (value, telefonbuch_id, offs); CREATE INDEX idx_verweise ON table_verweise USING btree (value, telefonbuch_id, offs) WHERE LENGTH(value) < 256; CREATE INDEX idx_vorwahl ON table_vorwahl USING btree (value, telefonbuch_id, offs); CREATE INDEX idx_rufnummer ON table_rufnummer USING btree (value, telefonbuch_id, offs); CREATE INDEX idx_web ON table_web USING btree (value, telefonbuch_id, offs); CREATE INDEX idx_email ON table_email USING btree (value, telefonbuch_id, offs); -- # full text indexes CREATE INDEX trgm_idx_nachname ON table_nachname USING gin (value gin_trgm_ops, telefonbuch_id, offs); CREATE INDEX trgm_idx_vorname ON table_vorname USING gin (value gin_trgm_ops, telefonbuch_id, offs); CREATE INDEX trgm_idx_zusaetze ON table_zusaetze USING gin (value gin_trgm_ops, telefonbuch_id, offs); CREATE INDEX trgm_idx_strasse ON table_strasse USING gin (value gin_trgm_ops, telefonbuch_id, offs); CREATE INDEX trgm_idx_hausnummer ON table_hausnummer USING gin (value gin_trgm_ops, telefonbuch_id, offs); CREATE INDEX trgm_idx_zip ON table_zip USING gin (value gin_trgm_ops, telefonbuch_id, offs); CREATE INDEX trgm_idx_ort ON table_ort USING gin (value gin_trgm_ops, telefonbuch_id, offs); CREATE INDEX trgm_idx_verweise ON table_verweise USING gin (value gin_trgm_ops, telefonbuch_id, offs); CREATE INDEX trgm_idx_vorwahl ON table_vorwahl USING gin (value gin_trgm_ops, telefonbuch_id, offs); CREATE INDEX trgm_idx_rufnummer ON table_rufnummer USING gin (value gin_trgm_ops, telefonbuch_id, offs); CREATE INDEX trgm_idx_web ON table_web USING gin (value gin_trgm_ops, telefonbuch_id, offs); CREATE INDEX trgm_idx_email ON table_email USING gin (value gin_trgm_ops, telefonbuch_id, offs); -- # slow way: -- # SELECT * FROM Telefonbuch WHERE nachname = 'CCC'; /*# using the index: # SELECT * FROM Telefonbuch # INNER JOIN indexed_view_nachname ON indexed_view_nachname.id = Telefonbuch.id # INNER JOIN indexed_view_zip ON indexed_view_zip.id = Telefonbuch.id #WHERE indexed_view_nachname.value = 'CCC' #AND indexed_view_zip.value = '10117'; # Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39480580/how-to-index-a-string-array-column-for-pg-trgm-term-any-array-column-que/39584236 # Tricks: SELECT reltuples::bigint AS estimate FROM pg_class WHERE oid = 'table_zusaetze'::regclass; */